AS 2596:2022


Seat belt assemblies for motor vehicles (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), UN Regulation No. 16:2020 (Rev. 10) MOD)

Published by Standards Australia, 06/24/2022


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AS 2596, 1st, 2022 – Seat belt assemblies for motor vehicles (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), UN Regulation No. 16:2020 (Rev. 10) MOD)

AS 2596 Standard was prepared by the Australian members of the Joint Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand Committee CS-075, Seat Belts for Use in Motor Vehicles to supersede AS/NZS 2596:2003, Seat belt assemblies for motor vehicles (ECE Regulation No. 16, MOD). After consultation with stakeholders in both countries, Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand decided to develop this document as an Australian Standard rather than an Australian/New Zealand Standard.

The objective of this document is to provide minimum performance requirements for seat belt assemblies and part assemblies to promote the provision of a high level of protection for adults and larger children travelling in motor vehicles.

This document is an adoption with national modifications and has been reproduced from United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), UN Regulation No. 16:2020 (Rev. 10), Uniform provisions concerning the approval of (i) safety-belts, restraint systems, child restraint systems and ISOFIX child restraint systems for occupants of power-driven vehicles and (ii) vehicles equipped with safety belts, safety belt reminders, restraint systems, child restraint systems and ISOFIX child restraint systems and i-size child restraint systems and its Amendments 1 and 2 (2021), which have been added at the end of the source text after Annex 18.

The modifications are additional requirements and are set out in Appendices ZZ to ZG, which have been added at the end of the source text after Amendment 2. Appendix ZZ lists the variations to UN Regulation No. 16:2020 (Rev. 10) for the application of this
document in Australia. Appendices ZA to ZG set out the following:

(a) Appendix ZA — Instructions.

(b) Appendix ZB — Order of tests.

(c) Appendix ZC — Recommendations for anchoring of seat belt assemblies.

(d) Appendix ZD — Product conformity.

(e) Appendix ZE — Safety-belt installation matrix.

(f) Appendix ZF — Determination of the minimum length of a seat belt.

(g) Appendix ZG — Bibliography.

As this document has been reproduced from a UN Regulation, the following applies:

(i) In the source text, “this Regulation” should read “this document”.

(ii) Where a number follows the word “Regulation”, in referring to another document, insert “UN”
before the word “Regulation”.

(iii) In the source text, “paragraph” should read “clause”.

(iv) Where units are shown as daN, the value should be multiplied by 10 and the unit expressed as
newtons (N).

(v) In the source text, “strap” should read “webbing”.

(vi) For the purposes of this document, Annexes 10 and 18 are “normative” and Annexes 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7
are “informative”. The terms “normative” and “informative” are used in Standards to define the application of the appendices or annexes to which they apply. A “normative” appendix or annex is an integral part of a Standard, whereas an “informative” appendix or annex is only for information and guidance.

General Product Information:

Committee CS-075
Purchase Note All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document
Document Type PDF
ISBN 978 1 76113 841 6
Pages 132
Document Language English
Publisher Standards Australia
Status Current
